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"In this earth, In this soil, In this pure field,
 Let’s not plant Any seed, Other than seeds of compassion and love." 
~ Rumi


Wild Spirituality at Anam Cara Fields

We are excited to announce Wild Spirituality at Anam Cara Fields. We will gather through the year to honor and celebrate the eight turnings on the Celtic Wheel of the Year, remembering to live into the natural rhythms of the world herself, which helps restore balance and harmony in our lives. ALL are welcome to attend as we embrace the Divine presence in people from ALL wisdom and religious traditions, ALL cultures and races, and ALL gender and sexual orientations. We ALL BELONG to the interconnected web in our sacramental universe!

Each month, we gather in a community of human and more-than-human others for conversation, poetry, ritual, and re-membering our relationships with the sacred wild. We look forward to fostering this community, along with all of you and our wild, more-than-human kin!

*We believe that true self-discovery is found in the interconnection between ALL beings.



*We believe in fostering relationships of reciprocity with all forms of creation by renewing the great conversation.



*We believe in the sacramental nature of the cosmos and all its expressions of diversity.



*We believe that love and compassion are the common threads of Mystery’s presence woven through the tapestry of our Great Mother Earth.​​​​


We are part of the Wild Church Network 

Upcoming Offerings

Past Offerings

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